North Korea's state television aired footage of a musical show marking the birthday of founding father Kim Il Sung, which ended with a mock-up video of missiles engulfing the United States in flames.
A choral performance attended by Kim Jong Un, the elder Kim's grandson, was held on Sunday (April 16), a day after a huge military parade in Pyongyang, which also marked the 105th birth anniversary of Kim Il Sung.
The singing was followed by footage of its test-firing of a missile in February which, in the video, was joined by other missiles shooting into the sky, passing over the Pacific and hitting several targets in the United States in giant balls of flames.
North Korea said in February that it had successfully tested a new type of medium- to long-range ballistic missile, the Pukguksong-2, propelled by a solid-fuel engine.
Pyongyang regularly threatens to destroy the United States and amid heightened tension on the Korean peninsula, it has escalated a war of words, warning of full-out nuclear war if Washington takes military action against it.
Produced by David Ibekwe